Wednesday, December 3, 2008

"Zeige" World View Of Today

Reflect what is learned to real experience.
- Question the lot, exchange views and develop your knowledge.

When going from scratch, to info, from info to understanding, from understanding to questioning the info and what we up until now thought we understood. Then its time for re-reading everything, over and over again, giving knowledge itself our outlook and by that supporting the information which leads to greater knowledge. Now its time for the exchange of views, opinions, knowledge and for the first time on a deeper lever, to begin our questioning of the knowledge we’ve learned from the first bits of info to the exchange of it with others.

Together we can make sure knowledge never stays definite in its constitution, but to continue being infinite. So it always will grow and always will be questioned for the sake of knowledge itself. For who would want to stay on the first step, when the second step is only one step away and the fourth step is only one step from the step in front the step you wish to reach next? Knowledge is to question what we already know and to bring the answers into more questions. Only by questioning knowledge can we reach a higher level of understanding.

I know I am repeating myself, and that is my purpose.
Goodnight, tomorrow is a new day // “Zeige”


Anonymous said...

jag älskar dina texter, fille!
och det är väl som man brukar säga: om man inget frågar får man ingenting veta.. och hur ska man då komma någonstans? alla har sina mål att nå och även om vägen dit är lång så handlar det helt enkelt bara om att försöka och inte ge upp!

Zeige said...

Quote Translation to joss post:

"I love your writing, fille!
I guess it is like we use to say: if you never ask you'll never know.. and how can you then get anywhere? we all have our own goals to reach and even if the road to it is long, it's still simply about to keep trying and to never give up!"

Thank you joss! that is true, only by taking responsibility for your own knowledge and will to understand can we get anywhere. I like your way of thinking I can sertently relate. I hope you'll keep reading my blog and that you'll continue commenting in times to come.