Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Opposites - Is one needed for the existence of the other?
As I heard more of their conversation it appeared to be the sad girl who was actually the bully and the girl comforting her was apparently “the victim”. For as it turned out, of what I heard, the sad girl and her friends had been calling the other girl names and had even put her through (as she said) games of theirs, pretending to be her friends just to betray her at any given moment for them to have a good, long laugh.
To continue on with the point of the story - -
The girl whispered something I couldn’t hear and then the sad girl responded:
Sad girl: “Why are you doing this for me?
Other girl: “What is it exactly that I am doing?”
Sad girl: “Being nice to me, why?”
Other girl: “Why not?”
Sad girl: “You think I’m an absolute A-hole!”
Other girl: "No, you behave like one. There's a difference."
We all know it’s easier to hate, blame and judge - then it is to forgive, forget and being open-minded – but despite the hell she had been through because of that girl and her friends, she chose to comfort her when she was down instead of doing what would have been done towards her if the roles had been different on that day. You could think that she only did it to be on the bully’s good side, so to say, but I don’t believe so. I think the story I heard today tells us; humans truly are good by nature, none depending on the walls built up around them. An image built up by what’s around you as; friends, job, education, money, et cetera, indicates but doesn’t tell who you really are.
This made me think and got me to remember what a friend once told me and perhaps now for the first time I've truly come to believe it may actually be true; that for one thing to exist the opposite also need to be in existence. He meant that in absolute times of darkness humans tend to cluster rather then standing alone, regardless of the content within the gathering. War as my example for darkness; brings people together for the main reason that no one stands unaffected and suddenly without anyone really noticing darkness has brought the people together. So maybe he was right. Perhaps darkness is needed for light to emerge? For bridges to reach the other end, for people to be people and not “us” and “them”. Instead it could be me, me and me. Me in a group of “me’s”, meaning that: it's about being individual within the group, not just being a group of individuals. For as long as there will be groups of individuals there will also be “us” and “them” mainly because they would be parts of different blocks.
I hope my point was found among the lines, I will edit this post tomorrow though to lack of time.
The night has faded and the day is here, so now I say goodbye to you all, of to work..
// "Zeige"
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Quote of the day
- Kenneth M. Goode*
*Refering to Lincoln & Roosevelt in his book: Turn People Into Gold.
Monday, December 8, 2008
The cave & the flashlight
One day I was riding my bicycle out for a down hill slope on my way home
And was at the end of it to turn left
From the other direction comes a car from nowhere,
I managed to break enough to get out of the incident alive
Because luckily for me the car was standing almost still when I crashed into it
Out of the car comes a tall, dark, well dressed man.
I was shocked of what had just occurred
And I had bruises all over and both my knees and hands were bleeding.
This man gives me his hand and I reluctantly took it since I was in such pain.
The man was to my surprise not visibly shocked or frightened for what had happened.
What he did is something I just recently came to understand.
This is what he said to me:
Close your eyes and see before you the end of a pitch black cave.
Then imagine you're holding a flashlight. Now, light it.
What happened, he said?
I logically responded: I lighted the flashlight and it alight? (Quite confused of what he wanted out of this)
Exactly! The man said with a big smile on his face.
Your point being? I asked.
My point exactly! He answered me.
I wasn't sure then if he was just crazy or trying to make a point without me noticing,
Or more as I saw it then that perhaps he meant that technology was amazing?
And that his car was expensive such which I was about to get to realize by an expensive demand through lawsuit.
But such wasn't the case.
The man asked me if I felt okay and after I answered I was all right,
He stood up,
Walked over to the car,
Sat down in the car,
Started the car,
Opened the window and said: “regardless of anything at all, the cave will lose to the flashlight”
He smiled, put on a pair of sunglasses and went of.
When I got home my wife meet me in the doorway.
And after I had explained what had happened from the beginning to the end a few times, she told me our car had been stolen just a while before I came home. She had reported it to the police who said they were on top if it. I suddenly came to realize that the car I hit was my car and the man was the thief who stole it. Everything had happened so fast I hadn’t seen it before then. The feeling that came over me was, to my own surprise, not anger but instead I laughed. Laughed long and high. I had just realized what he had told me.
What was this man trying to tell me?
I believe he meant: regardless of when or how,
Light will always conquer darkness,
It’s just a choice of lighting the flashlight.
its just a choice, and what good comes out of anger anyway?
My point exactly!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Quote of the day
- Bernard Shaw.
To strengthen the quotation I'll add a secondary aprox quote:
"Shaw was right. Learning is an active process. We learn by doing. (And by the want to do, theirfor can true knowledge only be won by choice to learn) So, if you desire to master the principles you are studying, do something about them."
- Dale Carnegie, in his book; How to Win Friends & Influence People.
Friday, December 5, 2008
"Zeige" World View Of Today
Stockpile all knowledge and share it -
Both to the beneficial of yourself and others
A good expression says: “The more you give, the more you get”. That expression expresses reality. To begin at oblivion of a cause is for the greater number of all as water through solid rock. It takes time to go somewhere from absolute zero and has been proven many times impossible. But for those who decide to continue struggling for knowledge and understanding, are those we call pioneers. Those who, didn’t really laid the foundation, but lead the way to it for the continual growth of the cause they began through their visions and dreams.
These pioneers will always be remembered in the history books as heroes, for they will have lived and fought for the future of us all in a none-monetary, yet profitable way. The profit these lesser few among many have to gain through the dreams they have, is to be remembered by the rest of us. And the day their work is used for the greater of all in a none-profitable manner, they just gained all the profit they ever needed.
It always takes a person or an experience to make you take the step from nothingness to “somethingness”, to then reach the point of where you start to grow understanding for others, even though you don’t quite, or at all, understand what they understand or stand for what they stand for. It is here where you come in. The idea was born long before you were but the dream is yours to join and develop. A free way of thinking, a free way to develop, a free cause where you are your own among many such as yourself. People like you are those who give the pioneers and the dreamers their only, yet highest reward.
It is through this that causes can accelerate in its assembling to become foundations, foundations to structures and structures into future and the future into more pioneers and dreamers for the circle to be complete. All of what we do, say and accomplish returns to us in its own way, actions are loops coming back again. Share what you've learned and he who you teach shall reflect your knowledge. Only then can you yourself extend your own knowledge further. There is no one who knows everything about anything, we can always grow taller it’s just a matter of when and by what means necessary. Remember: “The means is the end”.
Till the next time, gods speed my friends // “Zeige”
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Quote of the day
(To smal to read?; hold ctrl-key, then scroll outwards on mouse)
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Wednesday, December 3, 2008
"Zeige" World View Of Today
Reflect what is learned to real experience.
- Question the lot, exchange views and develop your knowledge.
When going from scratch, to info, from info to understanding, from understanding to questioning the info and what we up until now thought we understood. Then its time for re-reading everything, over and over again, giving knowledge itself our outlook and by that supporting the information which leads to greater knowledge. Now its time for the exchange of views, opinions, knowledge and for the first time on a deeper lever, to begin our questioning of the knowledge we’ve learned from the first bits of info to the exchange of it with others.
Together we can make sure knowledge never stays definite in its constitution, but to continue being infinite. So it always will grow and always will be questioned for the sake of knowledge itself. For who would want to stay on the first step, when the second step is only one step away and the fourth step is only one step from the step in front the step you wish to reach next? Knowledge is to question what we already know and to bring the answers into more questions. Only by questioning knowledge can we reach a higher level of understanding.
I know I am repeating myself, and that is my purpose.
Goodnight, tomorrow is a new day // “Zeige”