Sunday, November 30, 2008

"Zeige" World View Of Today

A choice of logical outcome? health or wealth?

What is the future? In a simple way of putting it - The future is now. When people refer to the future they often refer to it as something past their lifetime, while it actually is now. The future is every second past the second you exist. So what can you do to change the future in a positive direction, both for yourself and for the people and environment around you?

Most common answers to that is for examples; Recycling, taking responsibility for ones actions, be a part of the community and do whatever is regarded best for the majority of the community. All of those are good answers and in the long run if millions follow the same pattern the future will slowly change to the better. But if you think about it, to take responsibility for ones actions could just mean; "I've killed today and I'm prepared to take my punishment". Which isn't acceptable in a civilized world. We can live without murder and other crimes we only think we can't because of what society and the media tells us with the power they possess. Though these changes are logical ones and isen't really near as radical as is necessary for the future development of mankind as a civilized species.

The kind of changes we need to put into action are those who will mature us in our way of interacting with one another and in the way we see each other and the world. Most people of today are unaware or just not enlightened enough to take action against the faults of our system. This is why I started this blog and this is what I want to do;

I want to, not educate, but to encourage you in a simple way, giving you all the information you need to make you yourself search for the questions and answers you have interest in and feel driven by. Only by encouragement towards selfeducation can we ensure our future in a civilized world. A world without war, poverty, starvation and crime, for who can help a man who won't help himself?

A few easy steps, logical behavior;
Take responsibility for your actions, encourage others do the same, don't follow the flow of capital but of what the word human really means. Treat others at least as good as you like them to treat you and remember to love the planet you live on for it keeps you alive. Without the natural resources you are dead, a fact you can't flee or hide from regardless of your capital. For with nothing to buy or own what good does wealth or/and possession?

Wouldn't we all want to live in harmony, love and understanding or in other words; without war, without hate and with the knowledge that we can keep living this way forever, for as long as the sun shines upon us? I know we all would and I know we can make this happen. But only, and only if we do it together. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

Truly yours // "Zeige"

Saturday, November 29, 2008

"Zeige" World View Of Today


Know this: All written here is my own personal statements, views and opinions and do not reflect thezeitgeistmovement or any relations of theirs directly or through webpages, persons or others.

My name is irrelevant but my passion towards the survival, health and protection of humanity and the planet that nourish us isn’t. But to be able to fully understand my views, opinions and to be able to reflect to me as a human being and not just the lines provided on a screen, for now let’s call me “Zeige”.

I have for far to long seen the human race straying from the evolution, which with the intelligence and history up to this day should have brought us towards love, understanding and awareness. Both of our selves as a species as well as of each other as individuals, of the planet we live on and of its content.

I see small pieces of paper often referred to as capital, cash or money, dividing us leaving glitches far too great to jump and driving men insane. Every day men, women and children die for another mans hand, and as I see it, the reason is money in one way or the other every single time. Lack of money or poverty often leads to one or more of the following through direct or indirect association;

Addiction, prostitution, corruption, murder, the list could sadly go on and on for pages and pages.

All of earlier stated offences by/towards humans also lead to divorce, hate, dishonesty segregation and first of all the integration of those who are regarded essential and those who are regarded to as “leaches” or risks of society or just the less fortunate. This separates us, places us in a bad unavoidable circle which again and again feeds the machine that a self-elected few fights to keep running. All of this so a handful of men can maintain power of the “lesser” people of the world, which is all of you who isn’t them.

This has to stop. NOW! The monetary system that has clutched its iron claws around us for centuries, and if nothing is done, centuries to come has to be dissolved within a future able to the living generations of today. To say that this type of Change takes to much time and that what I and others with me want is utopia is to lie to yourselves and to laugh at the intelligence of the now living generation. It only proves the immaturity the monetary system upholds. They hail daily lies upon us making us believe that we are children in need of parenting by the government and by other higher institutions as for example the religious ones.

(I here feel need of explaining my ungodly statement and with underline let my readers know that I do not give up my faith. But that the church as an institution has for as long as its history corrupted and distorted the minds of men “in the name of god”. Theirfor I do not believe in the church as for any thing else then a meeting place and a sanctuary for all who seek it)

With the technology, knowledge and understanding we actually have we can lay the foundation today for a brighter future! Drop the monetary system and open our minds to a resource based system. A system that takes advantage of our resources and technology making them work together instead of making one suffer for the other. Let us build for today and let our children build for tomorrow and let their children have more then just something to live for on days to come. So the future generations can live the change and open their eyes for an entire new culture, living side by side with nature and its content for as long as the sun shines upon us.

For information about essential changes such as these as I have stated and to learn how I myself first opened my eyes for this way of thinking, visit

Other statements, views and opinions not related to which is written above will most definitely turn up in this blog but the weight of this blog will lay on "zeitgeist view-related" ways of seeing the world and its content.

Once again KNOW THAT: All written here is my own personal statements, views and opinions and do not reflect thezeitgeistmovement or any relations of theirs directly or through webpages, persons or others. Though all have been formed through my own understanding of their cause.